Mental Health Resources
If you would ever like to discuss any aspect of your child’s wellbeing or mental health with us, you are more than welcome to contact:
- Their Class Teacher
- Ms Mitchell Wellbeing Lead and Mental Health First Aider
- Mrs Flanagan Special Educational Needs Coordinator and Assistant Headteacher
Helpful Resources and Organisations
Salford City Council - has a list of websites which you can access when feeling overwhelmed or wanting support or advice.
Action for Happiness - a non-profit making group committed to building a happier, more caring society.
Anna Freud Centre - a children's mental health charity providing specialist help and training and carrying out research.
Young Minds - is the leading UK charity committed to improving emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. Telephone: 0808 802 5544
Childline - a counselling service for parents, children and young people. Telephone: 0800 111
Kooth - provides free online support for young people delivered by counsellors through chat based services.
Mind - the national mental health charity, which offers a range of excellent resources and local support groups. Telephone: 0300 123 3393
Books for children
A selection of topic books which highlights the significance of caring for children's mental and physical health. These books address key aspects of growing up and promote responsible global citizenship.