Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mr Tinkler
‘For you are all one in Jesus Christ’
Galatians 3:18Introduction
Hello and welcome to Year 3,
My name is Mr Tinkler. I will be your teacher in Year 3. I hope that you are as excited about your move to Key Stage 2 as I will be to have you in my class. I promise I will try as hard as I can to ensure you work to the very best of your ability each day, and in everything you are presented with. I also guarantee that you will have an exciting, fun-filled year. There are so many fantastic topics and great books to read, and I know you will love all the new learning we have in store nearly as much as will I love teaching them.
Our Weekly Routine
During the week, I will provide you with a good daily routine, so you know exactly what we are doing each day. At the end of the week, we gain rewards such as Star of the Week and Handwriter of the Week.
There is also the class marble jar. We pop in a marble or two at the end of the day when we have worked hard, behaved well and shown we can follow the Wardley Way. As soon as we reach 100 marbles, the class get to choose what they are doing on a special ‘Treat Day’.
I set brain-teasing riddles, tell terrible jokes, and share lots of funny stories.
We have so much to look forward to.
Our Curriculum
We will journey back thousands of years in History to learn about The Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages as well as The Romans in Britain. In English, we develop our reading and writing through fantastic books such as Greta and the Giants and Pebble in my Pocket. We will enjoy daily Maths lessons and be creative with Art, Music and Design and Technology and learn about the world in Geography. There are loads of Science experiments to tackle too. The rest of the curriculum will be just as fantastic, and I have no doubt you will learn lots of wonderful new things.
I have attached a Curriculum Leaflet and this half-term’s project which provides lots of details about what we will be up to over the coming weeks.
Our other bits and bobs
- Morning drop-off and pick-up at the Year 3 door.
- Bring in a healthy snack to enjoy during morning break.
- On Thursday, children come to school dressed in PE kit.
And finally
The most important thing is that you do NOT worry about anything. I will be there to make sure your first day is a good one. And, of course, every other day too. I know that most of you will be excited and ready to return to school after your summer break. That is how I feel. However, I am also a little nervous too because it is a new start, and some things will be different. Some of you will have these feelings too. Please do not worry. I will be there to help you settle in and make sure you are as happy as can be.
Keep well and look after each other.
Love from Mr Tinkler X